AtrieveERP Ideas Portal

Welcome to atrieveERP's Ideas Portal!
We encourage using this portal for submitting ideas related to enhancement or feature requests for all atrieveERP products. In addition, you can utilize this space to review and vote on product ideas to be reviewed by our product team.
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Salary Grid Increment by Storage Bank - Update Range of Grids Only

When running the Salary Grid Increment by Storage Bank process, for some reason even when its run for each specific bank, it wants to increment each salary grid the employee may have. This gives the potential to increase an employees wrong position. It would be nice if the storage bank could have a salary grid range to look at so it only tries to increment those grids. I have attached an example of an employee who has enough hours to increment her EA position but she is already at the top but it wants to increment her Office Manager position as well which is not correct. Also, attached is an employee who is not an EA anymore, she does have the bank which I wanna keep in case she returns there, and the system wants to increment her 2 other positions.

  • Amy Wald
  • Sep 16 2022
  • In Development
  • Attach files