AtrieveERP Ideas Portal

Welcome to atrieveERP's Ideas Portal!
We encourage using this portal for submitting ideas related to enhancement or feature requests for all atrieveERP products. In addition, you can utilize this space to review and vote on product ideas to be reviewed by our product team.
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PCard GL distribution edit GST

When distributing across multiple GLs, the cost of a receipt that does not have GST on certain items (ie: food), it would be helpful to have a field to modify the GST amount - this way we can ensure that one GL does pay GST on the items charged.

  • Teresa Sniezek
  • Sep 26 2022
  • Scheduled - Future Release
  • Attach files
  • Heather Whyte commented
    January 31, 2023 23:12

    We have run into this exact problem many times. Does anyone have a good work around for the time being? (Other than manual J/E) Until a solution is added into the system.

  • Teresa Sniezek commented
    January 24, 2023 20:26

    How can I control where the GST goes for this entry?