AtrieveERP Ideas Portal

Welcome to atrieveERP's Ideas Portal!
We encourage using this portal for submitting ideas related to enhancement or feature requests for all atrieveERP products. In addition, you can utilize this space to review and vote on product ideas to be reviewed by our product team.
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Disallow Requesting Unavailable Replacements

The option to still request a replacement who has booked themselves unavailable is not favourable for our district.

The replacement employees with our district are not keen on this as it requires them to go in and refuse if they are away an extended period of time.

It also holds up my dispatching time because if they don't refuse the request we have it set to wait for them until the day before (which I believe is standard in most divisions). So if an absence goes in a week before it won't release it until the day before on work board or the calling system if the replacement doesn't log in to refuse.

I would like the option to turn that off so each division has the option to keep it or not.

  • Sheri Schmitz
  • Oct 5 2022
  • Scheduled - Future Release
  • Attach files