AtrieveERP Ideas Portal

Welcome to atrieveERP's Ideas Portal!
We encourage using this portal for submitting ideas related to enhancement or feature requests for all atrieveERP products. In addition, you can utilize this space to review and vote on product ideas to be reviewed by our product team.
Before submitting an idea, search the current list to avoid duplicates. Please include enough detail for us to follow up with you, if necessary.

Improvement in the Cross Payroll Deduction Limiting

When cross payroll deduction limiting is set up, when the payroll is streamed it will look to the employees deduction history for EI across All the payrolls to ensure that once the employee has reached the maximum amount to be deducted, no further amounts are deducted.

Currently all year to date (YTD) earnings and deduction values need to be zeroed out in ALL payrolls before any payroll is run in the next new year to ensure correct cross payroll deduction limiting is working correctly.

We would like to see the system read the year of the payroll pay period and then read the YTD information from the employees history records to check for maximum limits being reached for the fiscal year to eliminate the risk of a payroll being run in a new year before YTD earnings and deductions are zeroed from ALL payrolls generating possible incorrect deductions.

  • Vicki Edel
  • Mar 15 2023
  • Will Not Implement
  • Attach files
  • Jennifer Bowen commented
    April 17, 2023 17:00

    Admin Response: Thank you for sharing your idea with us. We appreciate your interest in making our product even better. When choosing new features to add from the list of ideas, we must consider feasibility and also select the ones which will bring the most value to as many customers as possible. With such a long list of ideas, and the fact that we must prioritize all ideas against each other and as well against other road map initiatives, means that we will not be considering this idea. We want to make sure we remain focused on our current goals. Thank you again and have a nice day!