AtrieveERP Ideas Portal

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Restrict Entry of Future Dates in TEW

Request to revisit idea AERP-I-1216 which was decided "Will Not Implement" last Dec 2021.

As part of the School Year start process, we set up our Calendars one year in advance. Without the restriction to enter future dates in TEW, employees have the ability to enter time up to one year in advance. This results to overpayments as employees enters time months in advance. It takes more time identifying absent employees who entered time and deleting these incorrect entries.

AERP-I-1216 Restrict Entry of Future Dates in TEW
Opening of timesheets is currently being controlled in our district by not creating a payroll calendar until we want the timesheets open. Calendar creation should be part of new year set up and review. Ability to not have a year of timesheets open at once is needed because staff will enter months in advance leading to mistakes and overpayments that are difficult to change if assignments have been ended.

  • Guest
  • Sep 4 2023
  • Scheduled - Future Release
  • Attach files
  • Lindsay Davies commented
    October 27, 2023 17:13

    Yes, please revisit this. It's much more efficient to set up the payroll calendars annually. It also provides better controls if it's part of the annual setup process instead of creating them throughout the year as part of the pay run process.

    As mentioned above it's a PIA to delete future timesheets when someone changes assignments so it would definitely be helpful if we could choose to restrict future entries.

  • Alison Makkinga commented
    October 27, 2023 16:19

    And it is such a pain in the ass when they change positions but don't delete all their future timesheets first. Then someone in HR has to remove the end date from the previous assignment record, go clear all the timesheets, then put the end date back in.