AtrieveERP Ideas Portal

Welcome to atrieveERP's Ideas Portal!
We encourage using this portal for submitting ideas related to enhancement or feature requests for all atrieveERP products. In addition, you can utilize this space to review and vote on product ideas to be reviewed by our product team.
Before submitting an idea, search the current list to avoid duplicates. Please include enough detail for us to follow up with you, if necessary.

Visual Loading Indictor - Staffing Notification Processing

When using the Staffing Notification (New) it would be helpful if it showed a spinning wheel when you click on an assignment notification showing that it is processing the request. As of right now it doesn't show anything to indicate that it is thinking about it and sometimes it times a minute or longer to open. It gets very frustrating.

Also, after competing a number of assignments over a long period of time, the columns start disappearing/shrink from the right until there is hardly any info shown. (Will add a screen shot next time it happens)

  • Nadine Rutherford
  • Dec 11 2023
  • Support Issue
  • Attach files
  • Jennifer Bowen commented
    10 Jan 17:05
    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. We have ongoing initiatives to improve the performance of staffing notification so that records aren’t taking long to load, eliminating the need for any visual indicators that the record is loading. We are going to flag this idea as a “support issue”, which is the status used when we feel the idea is more of something we should “fix” rather than “enhance”.