AtrieveERP Ideas Portal

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Days adjustment (Type=W) Pay Code MUST update TRF History and 1/200th calc to be useful.

We have got our Pay Code (in our case 04) properly set up as a TYPE=W to adjust for the working days missed at the beginning or end of a month by Teachers either hiring on or terminating.  It is currently correctly adjusting the daily rate based on actual working days in the month.  

This code type has a couple of major flaws:

1) This code does not adjust the TRF History, specifically field 10 = days paid.  If we do not manually reduce field 10 by the number of days missed in field 11, you will be unable to upload to ATRF without getting errors.  As a result, Payroll personnel MUST manually go and adjust the TRF history for every teacher affected by this code every single pay period. 

2) This code does not adjust the 1/200th calculation in either the days worked or the salary.  This means that everyone who is using this payout screen MUST manually adjust the Teacher's days worked and salary if they worked anything other than a complete month or months.  

This has come out of our Payroll Audit in August 2018 with Gail Gaskell, and was noted as an issue to me personally by at least 5 other school divisions at the 2018 Users' Conference in Banff.  I have personally sent Gail detailed reports of my ATRF errors and what I needed to do to fix those errors.  Improving the functionality of this type of code will have significant, wide-spread positive effects across all Alberta School Boards currently using Atrieve.  

  • Guest
  • Nov 19 2018
  • Scheduled - Future Release
  • Attach files
  • Tara Gaudet commented
    August 14, 2019 21:11

    In reviewing the 1/200 calculation, the 'Days Worked' field is populating from the Days Worked storage bank.  

    In the month that an employee starts part way through a pay period, a salary adjustment is entered  to correct the days and dollars.  This salary adjustment pay code is a 'W' type of code.  But...the salary adjustment does is not affecting the values deposited into the Days Worked storage bank.  Therefore, when the 1/200 calculation is used, that month has incorrect values and the value in the Days Worked storage bank is incorrect. 

  • Gail Gaskell commented
    March 25, 2019 20:48

    Adjusting entries are rejected by ATRF during the extract as the days paid in the record detail section needs to be reduced by the days not worked.

  • Guest commented
    December 06, 2018 17:30

    I should add that this functionality would also be important for our 1/200th pay code (ours is currently 02).  Just like our pay code 04, we have to MANUALLY adjust before importing to ATRF, and it makes extra work for all of us.